IV. Quick Build

IV. Quick Build


A survey can be rapidly built from by writing some simple text, or copy pasting from another application, such as Excel or Word.
Quick build will interpret the text added and its format and will build the survey accordingly
Quick build can be found in the create surveys section at the top of the add question area.

Using Quick Build

Clicking on the button shows two text areas

The first area is the text entry section where you write or copy/paste your survey into the system.
The second area is the decoded survey in preview mode.

By default the quick build expects the first line to the question text up to a carriage return (or new line).
It then expects the second and subsequent lines to be choice responses to that question, until there is an empty line

For example the following text;

Whats your favourite pet?

Would create the following 

and this text would create:

Whats your favourite pet?

Whats your favourite sport?

Other question types can be coded in the same way, but instead of responses, the following special text codes can be added:


For example:

Whats you favourite number?

When is your birth date?

Now to add these question to the survey, click the add question button (which also shows the number of questions due to add)

Remember Quick Build Can be used to add questions at any point during the survey creation process, and added questions can be further altered in the question edit section

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