FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


Is this really free? What are the limits?

Yes, Zync Free Surveys really is completely free. There are no limits on questions, surveys, responses or users. We rely on advertising to support the service.

How long are surveys stored for?

For active surveys (a survey which is receiving responses), there isn't a time limitation for storage. However, if a survey becomes inactive (no more responses are coming in for it), it will be removed from the system 3 months after the last response comes in. So for example, if you created a Survey and only one person answers it once a month, it will still stay on indefinitely.

Do my users need to register before they can answer my Survey?

No, there is absolutely no requirement for users to register before completing surveys. If they do choose to register however, they will be able to download surveys for answering offline.

What is the difference between the App and the Website?

The Zync Free Surveys App mimics the Website, so you should find they both look virtually identical. The only main differences are as follows:
  • The Scan question can scan a greater variety of barcode types on the App compared to the Website.
  • The Location question produces a much more accurate location on the App compared to the Website, as mobile devices have access to Cell Tower and GPS information to determine more accurately where the device currently is, while the browser will estimate to the location based on the IP Address etc.
  • On the Create section, the list of question types are displayed as a bar on the left hand side for larger-screened devices, instead of as an add button.

Where can I find the Terms & Conditions?

You can find the Terms & Conditions (T&C) in the About section on the Website or App. Alternatively click here to view the full T&C.


How can I create a copy of one of my Existing Surveys?

You can create a copy of any of your existing surveys, either published or draft. Go to the Create section, and select Template, then click on the My Surveys button to show a list of your existing surveys. Select the one you want, and remember to change your new survey's title. 

How do I create Tabs / New Pages on the survey?

Add a new Page Break question, and it will create a new page from that point onwards in your survey. You can also turn a Label question into a Page by ticking the "Page Break" checkbox, and visa versa.

How do I make a Question non-mandatory (Optional)?

Click on a question's More Options button, then tick the Optional tickbox.

How do I attach an Image to a Question?

Click on a question's More Options button, then tick the File button. Select the image you wish to upload and click Ok.

How do I set up Hiding Questions?

You can set up questions to only show if the respondent has picked a certain answer to a previous Question. So for example you could have a Yes/No question, where the No question would show a Text question asking why they chose No. To do this:

  1. Create all the questions first.
  2. Go to the Question that you want to trigger the hiding (not the one(s) being hidden), and click on More Options, and then Hide Questions.
  3. Select the Choice that you want to trigger the hide, and what questions you wish to hide. Please note you can only hide questions that are after the trigger question.

Download & Manage

How do I Share my Survey with my friends or colleagues?

Once you have published your survey, go to the Survey section, click on your new Survey and click the Share button. You are then presented with a variety of ways to share your survey via a direct weblink or social media. The link will remain for as long as the survey is Active.

When someone who is registered adds your Survey, they are also subscribed to your Channel. This means that they will be able to see any new Surveys you create.

How do I Change my Channel Name?

To change your Channel Name or Description, go to the Settings section. Don't worry about anyone subscribed to your Channel; they will still be able to view your Surveys.

Where do I see the responses to my Survey?

To analyse or download the reports of a survey, go to the Survey section and click on the survey you wish to view results on, then click the Analyse button. This section allows you to view a break-down per Question with graphs you can download. The Download button at the bottom allows you to download a physical spreadsheet file of all the responses you have received.

How do I Delete my Survey?

If you need to delete your Survey, for example you have made a mistake and need to create a new version, go to the Survey section, click the Delete icon at the top, then click on the Survey you want to remove. Be aware that there is no way to un-delete a survey, so before you do make sure to take a backup.


Help! I have forgotten my password!

To reset your password, go go the Login screen and click the Forgot? button.

How do I change my email address or password?

To change your email address, go to the Settings section.

I have found a bug / encountered an error / have feedback for you!

We are automatically alerted if you encounter an error (a message pops up saying an error occurred) on the website or the App, so rest assured we will be looking to fix it.

If you do find a bug or something doesn't look like it is working correctly, feel free to contact us via the ticketing system, giving as much information about the problem as possible (with screenshots if possible).

Similarly, we would love to hear from you if you have any constructive feedback to give. We are looking to make this the best it can be, so please contact us via the ticketing system.

I do not want to use Zync Free Surveys anymore, how do I leave?

We will be sorry to see you go but if you have to, go to the Settings section and scroll down to the Delete Account. This will remove all information stored about you. Please note that inactive accounts are also automatically removed after 3 months, so if you wish to leave, you can leave it with us.

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