V. Versions

V. Versions


This functionality is useful if you have discovered a mistake in an existing published survey or the requirements have changed, but you want to keep all the data already collected in the same place.


From the Create survey screen click versions button

Now find the survey to create a new version and click on the arrow

It will show the survey in design mode

We have the following options available to us now:
  1. Hide existing questions
  2. Add questions
  3. Change survey detail options - eg Title, duration, password etc.
This section does not permit the following:
  1. Deleting existing questions
  2. Moving existing question
  3. Changing existing question details
To hide an existing question, click on the show hide toggle on the question menu bar:

Above displays showing/hiding this question.

Apart from these restrictions the version section behaves in exactly the same way as a new survey creation process. 
When completed testing, publish as normal and the new version will be made available immediately.

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